Eclogite is an uncommon rock. It typically results from the high pressure metamorphism of mafic igneous rock such as basalt and gabbros at depths of 50km. or more in the mantle or lower crust. It is composed of mainly two minerals, reddish brown Almandine Pyrope garnet, and the green sodium rich pyroxene Omphacite. Isotope dating of the Norwegian Eclogites in the 1970, 80s, indicate that they are early Palaeozoic ( 450-400 million years ), suggesting that they were formed during the Caledonian orogeny. This brilliantly colorful specimen is from Almenning, Northern fjords in Norway, and was a gift to me by three members of the club, Michelle, Eleri, and Janey. following my traumatic experience of severe cellulitis, and a lengthy stay in hospital.