
This month we had a talk by Jack Davies on “Reflections on Geomorphology”. It was much more than an investigation of the development Britain's geomorphology, more a geologist's life story. Starting with childhood freedoms exploring Britain by cycle, through student days, to theses typed in DS with multiple carbons, he had developed a deep understanding of the development of landforms and an appreciation of the uniquely diverse geology of the British Isles.

He described, from a personal perspective, the landforms resulting from the Cretaceous transgression of Wales, followed by Mid Tertiary uplift and the removal of the chalky deposits, with the initiation of drainage and erosion. Stripping back of the Mesozoic cover revealed a wave-trimmed peneplain, with superimposed radial drainage cutting down to the Palaeozoic rocks beneath.

Mid Tertiary uplift elevated the Welsh High Plateau and later negative changes in base level produced the Middle and Low Peneplains with consequent adaptation of drainage.

Later Pleistocene glaciations produced the 400ft, 300ft and 200ft platforms

It was a refreshing approach with no Powerpoint!

The next meeting will be on Wednesday 15th June when Dr Chris Simpson will give a talk entitled: Cyprus Geology: a snapshot