
AGM Follow-up

The AGM was held on 16th January 2013. As a few of the officers had come to the end of their period of service there have been a few changes to the committee. The committee is now as follows:

New committee member - Janey Hasleden

Bill Bagley (outgoing Chair) commented on the very successful Welshpool Heritage Project undertaken in 2012 and a vote of thanks was given to Colin Humphrey for his work in coordinating the project. A vote of thanks was also given to Rheidol Davies for his work as Treasurer.

The AGM was followed by a talk given by Dr Sara Metcalf entitled "Fossils as Therapy". This intriguing talk highlighted how useful fossils can be in Outreach Educational work. Using two case studies:

  1. a centre for adults with learning difficulties
  2. a care home for the elderly

Sara went on to explain how the different groups could use the fossils as a learning experience and the great pleasure both groups gained from the sessions.

That both groups gained a sense of achievement whilst handling, making and discussing fossils. This form of therapy is now being widely undertaken by various establishments.

The next meeting will take place on 20th February - the talk will be given by Colin Humphrey entitled "The Age of the Earth - A History"